Maximise your rental property re-letting chances with a well thought out advert with eye catching appeal. How do you make your advert stand out from the rest? Here are a few tips which can deliver the goods and avoid your advert being one of the crowd.
Internet advertising is the quickest and cheapest method of re-letting your property, not to mention the fact that it’s also likely to reach more of your target market. In these days it can be placed instantaneously and altered immediately if required. TradeMe has changed the face of advertising and can be entered on line 24/7 as can replies to the advert and no one will dispute that TradeMe is the ideal method to get new tenants quickly.
To attract the best tenants possible your advert needs to show your property in it’s best light as this is the first selling point for a discerning tenant. A well maintained property both inside and out with photos taken by a professional can be a big drawcard, it will be a one off expense as these photos can be used each time the property is advertised (obviously as long as it is maintained to the same standard) so although there is an initial outlay it will be minimal over time. Photographs are the first thing the human eye will notice, the text will be read later. Get the photographs taken when the house is looking it’s best, for instance if there are shrubs which bloom get the lawns mowed and take the photo then. If the house is to be let unfurnished home staging is a good idea as empty rooms are not very appealing and it can be hard to visualise the size of furniture they will hold, only a few pieces are necessary for this but they will make the world of difference to the photos. If you intend doing any redecorating take the photos after not before! A professional photographer will take numerous shots of your house and you can choose the ones you like the best but make sure you include all the main rooms in the house.
Once a prospective tenant has viewed the photos and decided they like what they see they will then read the text. Ensure this is well written without spelling, grammar and punctuation mistakes – errors such as these can be very off-putting for a discerning tenant. Give as much information as you can about the house or apartment, surroundings, shops, schools, transport, garaging/parking or anything else which you think may catch their interest.
Finally put the photographs and text together and store it in your computer – then the next time your tenant hands in their notice you can immediately place a great advert online without any further worries and start attracting your new premium tenant.
This article was written with the assistance of Barry Bridgman from Bridgman Property Management, based in Auckland Central.