Property Review – Taxes and Tenancy Tribunals

Despite all the law changes the important ones related to rent arrears remain unchanged but the way Tenancy Services and Department of courts deal with cases has changed a bit.
Residential Tenancies Amendment Bill Now Law

Glenn from the Nelson Property Investors Association has put together an abbreviated version of the Act. Landlords and tenants should not rely solely on this, because there are many other very significant changes that if ignored or not followed correctly will result in significant penalties or lost rent and bonds.
Property Inspection Opportunities

A landlord or property manager is legally entitled to inspect a rental property every four weeks. This may not be feasible but other opportunities to see inside a rental unit are available such as when maintenance work is being carried out.
They Come And They Go – Landlords That Is!

I do enjoy hearing and communicating with many of you. I have seen my share of happy and less than happy property investors over the years. Not that all PI’s selling are unhappy. A few months ago I got an …
Self resolution of tenancy problems

If you have a tenancy problem the smart thing is to sort it out with your tenant rather than going through the stress of a tenancy tribunal hearing. I have recently done this and both I and the tenant parted …
Are we the most overpriced property market in the world?

The media tells us every second day we are the most overpriced property market in the world Are we really that bad? Who on earth believes that journalists know as much about the market as you and me? Do they …